Apple Vision Pro: The Latest in Apple’s Computing Journey

Devices and the Type of Computing it Ushered in

Apple I – Personal Computing
Macintosh – Graphical Computing
iPhone – Mobile Computing
Watch – Biometric Computing
Vision – Spatial Computing

Personal Computing

I learned to program on an Apple ][, when BASIC was taught to us 6th graders on Saturday mornings by Mr. McKinney. I was the first student to finish all the assignments (even the extra credit ones). I learned to defensively program to prevent unwanted crashes. I had a lot of fun programming, but was too poor to afford an Apple ][ or any personal computer. Yet, the experience was personal and powerful. As a preteen, I wrote code and the computer ran that code. I told it what to do and it executed those commands exactly as I wrote them, regardless of how good or bad they were. Emotionally, it was empowering even if fleeting since I could only do at school.

Graphical Computing

I don’t remember the first Mac I used. I do remember the first Mac app that blew my mind though: Myst. It took me to another world where I was in total control to explore. There were no enemies trying to kill me, no rushing to complete a level, just me slowly exploring this mystical world. Outside the game, I remember the concepts of the Mac that were also by then found on Wintel machines such as folders, menus, and overlapping windows that you could click and drag via a mouse. What I never liked was how the tactile feelings were disconnected from the screen, meaning my interaction with the screen happened off-screen via a keyboard and mouse. I dragged a mouse, not the windows themselves to move and resize them.

Mobile Computing

My first iPhone was the iPhone 4, because I didn’t want to switch cell providers. I remember the first app I made for it, a very crude tic-tac-toe game. I clearly remember tapping the screen for the first time and having it react to my touch. The tactile feelings were no longer separated from the software. It was like I could now touch my software creations directly vs having a mechanical middleman. It was magical and I was hooked. I went and declared to my friends that I was going all in on mobile. Now, that wasn’t some dramatic prediction, since it was pretty clear by then that Apple was going to win the mobile race. Many people feel the iPhone succeeded because it was the first computer that fit in your pocket, but Palm Pilots and Blackberries did too and while popular, they were never iPhone popular. I feel the bigger reason for iPhone’s success was that you touched it and it magically responded to you better than any other device ever had before. That sort of magic is addicting. I’m sure everyone remembers scrolling, just to see it scroll when you first got an iPhone. I know I did.

Biometric Computing

On this very blog, I put down my thoughts after I got the watch. It was very clear to me that biometric data would be the watch’s strength. Once I easily had my heart rate info, it became very natural to track my health with it. I didn’t wear anything on my wrist before the Apple watch and I’ve never been without an Apple watch ever since. I remember telling the WatchOS team at their first WWDC lab, “You realize you know when people are dying, right? You know their heart rate is slowing and you can predict that they’re likely going to die. You can prompt them to call someone or send someone a message for one final time.” Their stares of shock and horror told me they had not. It’s scary, but only because death is scary. However, facts are facts, all emotions aside. We’ll all die someday, the only difference now is a device will record that fact.

Spatial Computing

When I was a writer (late high school/early college), I wrote several thousand pages worth of material. While some was other worldly fantasy or sci-fi, most of it was stories involving fictional characters in a real world setting.

I get wanderlust and need to see new places. Sometimes, it’s just a new block around my home, a new city/state or, on rare occasions, a new country. It’s a basic human desire for us to experience new things. In a similar vein, having people over for a get together also has the effect of turning our familiar home setting into something fun and different.

My kids don’t understand computer UI paradigm anymore. Countless videos show kids being amazed when they learn the save icon has an actual real world implementation, trying to use a non-mobile phone, or having to watch TV which doesn’t show what they want but rather what is “on” with non-skippable ads. They don’t use folders, don’t have desktops and don’t understand what files are or why we need them on our computing devices.

All of this is to say that computers don’t reflect our real world. They don’t reflect how we humans understand the world around us. Our personal world doesn’t exist behind the glass in our mobile phones or computer monitors. It exists everywhere around us. Think of your house. You may have an studio, an office, a bedroom, a living room and a kitchen. Each room is a cognitive experience tied to what you’re doing there. An art studio is more conducive to creativity than your home office. Your bedroom is a space for personal reflection of the day than your kitchen is. I want games to exist in the world around me, not bound up in my phone or TV.

Being able to step into a physical space and perform computing tasks tied to that space will be a game changer, because those computing spaces will persist just like the decorations and furniture you put there to encourage a particular type of thinking. Now your computing tasks, your computer work, will be blended with memories within that physical space.

I want to see new places when I’m computing. I don’t want to have to return to where a monitor is, whether in a room, in an office or to wherever I left my laptop. I want to be in places of work or play, walking around but still being able to stop and switch contexts immediately.

Lastly, I’m sick and tired of the desktop metaphor and all the baggage associated with it. I’m tired of the 2D representation of things I create and how they’re stuck in a 2D plane of glass. VisionOS appears to kill off the desktop metaphor and that alone is worth the price of admission to me.

Apple Vision Pro allows us to move away from the 2D, both in UI and in the glass we use to display it. Computing will no longer be in our hand, in our lap or on a monitor. It will be everywhere and have contextual understanding. What does that mean and why does it change things. I have way too many ideas to cover in this post, but I’ll give you one simple example.

“Apple Vision Pro is a gimmick. You’re not seriously believing in it?”

I know many family and friends will say the above to me. However, remember earlier in this post, when I spoke of the emotions involved with being empowered, touching my app and knowing when people will die? All of that came full circle for me during the keynote. What seemed like a silly gimmick to some, and the butt of many jokes, brought tears to my eyes. It was the spatial photos and videos.

I do have 2 young daughters, but I wasn’t transposing them into that video clip. Instead, I’m thinking of my mother who is in the middle stages of dementia. I won’t bore ya with all the details, but we basically have a year or two of her being somewhat aware of us and who we are. It’s too late to capture spatial videos of her before she was sick, but if fate blesses us, we may be able to capture some spatial videos of her during one of our weekly game nights. She likes to joke with the kids by making the “L” symbol with her hand and saying, “Losers!!!” when she wins. She cracks jokes about my dad being horrible at games and laughs harder than anyone else at those jokes. I hope I can capture all THAT one time before she completely fades away mentally. I hope I can record that and play it back for her, my dad, myself, my brother and my kids.

So yeah, I’m a big believer in Apple’s vision for spatial computing. It’ll increase my productivity and take computing to the next level of emotional connection. It’ll change how we work and how we use computers. Aside from all that, it will help us remember and relive moments with loved ones when they’re no longer with us.

I’ll be posting some stuff about actual implementation details and how that affects businesses. If you care to follow along, by all means do.

Also, if you are going to want to be a part of Launch Day with your own app, you need to start now. 6 months is not much time to ideate, plan, build, test and launch. If you don’t have the developers to help you get it done, let’s start chatting now.

The Life Cycle of Commerce


Commerce has a life cycle just like human life does. Our world is full of patterns that oft repeat, why should commerce be any different? We started with bazaars and villages, then shops and cities, then department stores and metropolises, then malls/big box stores and suburbs, and finally (I predict) a return to the bazaar and village lifestyle with a technology twist.

I see the traditional retail model ending. Recently, we saw enclosed malls die off in 2006. Next, it was big box stores (sans food retailers) in 2013. With the explosion of home based businesses in 2016, the future is very clear. The bazaars of old where vendors congregated to meet consumers will make a comeback with a spin: No longer will either party have to go anywhere because the bazaars will be rise from suburban neighborhoods via home based businesses. Much like Amazon is a software driven business, so too will these new bazaars be driven by modern software. The difference is that instead of one software platform to serve them all (as in Amazon’s case), these new bazaars will be driven by a hodgepodge of various mobile apps and complimentary platforms, mimicking the diverse makeup of the new industry they will serve. Continue reading “The Life Cycle of Commerce”

Apple Watch: Tracking Your Life, Not the Time


The Evidence

For those of you who think the Apple watch is just a fad and will pass, you’re missing the big picture that it’s no more a fancy watch than the iPhone is no more a fancy phone. I bet 1% of your iPhone usage is making regular voice calls. Apps are the killer feature of your iPhone. It’s the reason it’s indispensable to you even though you didn’t know you needed apps before you had it. Continuously up to date biometric information will become just as indispensable even though you don’t think so yet. Continue reading “Apple Watch: Tracking Your Life, Not the Time”

Bye Twitter

"Twitter, you're dead to me."
“Twitter, you’re dead to me.”

I have another post in draft that I’m working on, but I needed to get this out of the way pronto.

I was with twitter for quite sometime, but realized that they’re not really here for me. They’re here to make money off of selling my data to advertisers. That’s cool. That’s their biz and I can’t blame them for trying to make a buck. I run my own business, I know how that goes.

However, I don’t like it nor the way they treat 3rd party developers. Therefore, I signed up for App.Net, which is an alternative to twitter that you pay for. The purpose of paying is so knows who its serving: you – the user, not them – the advertisers. I like the idea, so I paid for it awhile back while it was prelaunching. Thing is, I never gave up the twitter.

Shame on me.

Continue reading “Bye Twitter”

Thoughts on Adobe vs Apple from a guy standing between them both

I’m a developer.  I’m an entrepreneur. No company is responsible for my success or my downfall.  I am responsible for seeing the industry and (re)acting accordingly. As a developer, I know the pains of learning new technologies. As an entrepreneur, I know the pains of someone trying to tell me how to run my business.

Apple won the RIA War without ever joining the battle

Just about a year ago, I was chatting on the phone with Steve Weiss of O’Reilly Media.  I made a statement to him then and, sadly, never made any noise about it.  I think I held back the noise because I have a long relationship of working with Adobe and their products. I didn’t want to admit that I was probably right, so I said the statement, felt the pain of its truthfulness and tried to forget it.  The statement was simple:

“Adobe and Microsoft are trying to push this RIA term.  They’re trying to convince the world that this is a technology they want and need. They’re each trying to instill their own vision of that world: Adobe with Flash/AIR and Microsoft with Silverlight. The one thing that everyone’s missing is this: Apple has already won. iPhone apps are THE most widely used Rich Internet Apps.  Apple has silently won the war and no one’s even noticed. All they have to do is enable iPhone apps to run via Safari (for cross-platform support) and they’ll have crushed both Adobe and Microsoft’s dreams.” That last bit I was off.  Rather than upgrading the iPhone apps to the Mac, they upgraded the size of iPhone OS device and created the iPad.

Continue reading “Thoughts on Adobe vs Apple from a guy standing between them both”

Points of Future via MAX keynote

There are many ideas being presented today.  I’ll try to highlight a few and also add some personal thoughts.

The youth of today are important.  It’s important to provide them the tools they need to express themselves, or else they’ll find other ways.  To kick off the show with some of today’s creative youth was awesome.

Content is no longer one sided.  One point hinted out early on is that content is no longer the domain of one group.  Today’s web users are just as excited to create content as they are to consume it.  You need to plan for that fact.

It’s important to not just build great websites or ads, but to also know how your customers think and behave.  I know that I would like sites to be smarter about me.  I’m tired having to re-explain myself to each website/company.

The next point is that full version Flash is coming everywhere: desktops, netbooks, smartphones and TVs.  The biggest problem was RAM usage.  It’s a true dilemma for Adobe and device manufactures.  I, as a techie, realize that devices and computers aren’t equal in power and ram.  However, my mom doesn’t understand that.  Most of the public just assume that a machine is a machine.

Continue reading “Points of Future via MAX keynote”

I LOVE my Kindle. Here’s why:

6 things that have impacted my life greatly
6 Things That Have Impacted My Life Greatly

I’ve been holding off writing this post, because I wanted to make sure it was true.  I didn’t want to give a false start on my new found gadget relationship.  I have to admit though, I’m thoroughly smitten with my Kindle.

Before you eBook haters/book lovers dismiss this, hear me out.  I was once among your numbers.  I have hundreds of books.  I love them, hardbacks and 1st editions.  Signed…meh.   But gimme a nicely bound, small press edition of one of my favorite authors and I’m in heaven.  I even have some books in bulk, because I wear them out by reading them too much.  I’ve proven my case.  I’m one of you, and there will always be a place in my heart for the printed book.  However, I must come clean.  The majority of my book purchases will now be on the Kindle. Continue reading “I LOVE my Kindle. Here’s why:”

Flex code (read: my Tic-Tac-Toe game) on my Playstation 3!

You fair readers of my blog may remember a post from waaaaaay back in the day entitled Playstation 3.  In it, I talk about being excited to run Flex Apps on my PS3.  Sadly, my pretty HD console only ran Flash Player 7, so Flex was not an option.  At MAX, I saw a big fat PS3 image and was hoping that Kevin Lynch would say, “Flash Player 9 is now on the Playstation 3!”  He didn’t so I assumed it wasn’t yet.  Then Renaun posted this!  Adobe has issues about making noise sometimes.  How did the blogosphere not light up on this news?  Well, maybe it did, but I somehow missed it.

Naturally, I went and did what the PS3 was meant to do: Play a game!  In this case, it was my very own Tic-Tac-Toe game.  Check it out!

Continue reading “Flex code (read: my Tic-Tac-Toe game) on my Playstation 3!”

Building Games with Flex: Tic-Tac-Toe V1 Code Explained Pt 2

In my last post, I explained my logic/thinking behind 2 of the 3 files that make up Tic-Tac-Toe V1: Main.mxml and GamePiece.mxmlClick here to play the game (right click to view/download the source).  In this post, I’ll breakdown the remaining piece.

This piece is the real workhorse of the game.  It houses not only the board where the pieces are laid out, but also the game logic itself.

Was that the best decision?

Probably not.  If I wanted to swap out the game rules but keep the same pieces, I couldn’t do that.  It’s not so common with Tic-Tac-Toe, but think of a card game.  One deck of 52 cards can play an almost infinite number of games.  Would it make much sense to put the Solitaire logic right inside the CardDeck class file?  Nope, it surely wouldn’t.  I was in a hurry though so I did. Continue reading “Building Games with Flex: Tic-Tac-Toe V1 Code Explained Pt 2”

Building Games with Flex: Tic-Tac-Toe V1 Code Explained Pt 1

Part of my goals with these posts is teaching Flex for those just getting started.  What better way to learn Flex than by building a game of Tic-Tac-Toe.  Code is code and lessons can be learned/shared despite the final output.  You’ll (hopefully) learn tricks and methodologies for helping you code non-game projects via the code that I share and explain in this series.

There are  3 files that make up the complete game (right click to view/download the source) :

  1. Main.mxml – This has the Application tag
  2. GamePiece.mxml – This is the X/O game piece
  3. GameBoard.mxml – This is the tic-tac-toe gameboard

I’ll go over the 3 files, explaining logic on why/what from both the Flex and gaming perspective. Continue reading “Building Games with Flex: Tic-Tac-Toe V1 Code Explained Pt 1”